Director of Communications / Grants Manager
People's Community Health Centers (PCHC)
Baltimore, MD
2011 - 2014

‏"I was hired as Grants Manager for this 44-year-old non-profit, managing a portfolio of operational grants, including all of the organization's Ryan White HIV funding requests and reporting, plus other government, corporate and foundation funding specifically for its Baltimore City clinics. I later assumed the Director of Communications position at People's, but still managed grant writers... Begun as a free clinic with all volunteer physicians in 1970, PCHC was the first "look-alike" accepted into the government's Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) program and operated as a full FQHC for many years before closing in 2014."

Photo by Brian D. Lyles: Medical Director Lelin Chao, M.D. being interviewed at a National Health Center Week event. 

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